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The Entire science and occult symbolism of the Egyptian ankh
See the full film here
It is proposed that the cultivation of vital energy or creative #kundalini electrical life force potential, also called Chi, Prana, Kundalini Shakti, Manna etc, is alluded to in the Vedic Upanishads when the demons and angels or MORE ACCURATELY understood as the Devas (Vedas) and the Asuras "serpent kings," are in truth representing the HIGHER AND LOWER ASPECTS OF OUR PSYCHE AND PHYSIOLOGY, our VIRTUES AND VICES respectively, which WORKED TOGETHER AND UNITED or "CAME TOGETHER" AS ONE UNIT, and CHURNED THE OCEAN
We’re going to cover word spells. How post-Mesopotamian language has had us under the Ol’ Abra-Cadaver trick…. the oldest control trick.. “Thou hast fallen for the eldest trick in the scroll!
Etymology, origins & symbolism of English, language of the serpent & angels
The English word "fascinate" ultimately derives from Latin fascinum and the related verb fascinare, "to use the power of the fascinus", that is, "to practice magic" and hence "to enchant, bewitch".
In ancient Roman religion and magic, the fascinus or fascinum was the embodiment of the divine phallus. The word can refer to phallus effigies and amulets, and to the spells used to invoke his divine protection. Pliny calls it a medicus invidiae, a "doctor" or remedy for envy
We were made in his image. I can prove it. See for yourself.
Made in the Serpent's Image: Symbols of Power, Esoteric Anatomy- Cullen Smith Lifting The Veil
Decoding Occult #Symbolism & etymology of enlightenment, deception, control, anatomy and physiology, physics and science of nature, origins of language, norse volva symbolism, female magic #mythology, snake magic, snake oil, egyptian secrets of the ankh, chariot of the gods and so much more!
Decoding Occult #Symbolism & etymology of enlightenment, deception, control, anatomy and physiology, physics and science of nature, origins of language, norse volva symbolism, female magic #mythology, snake magic, snake oil, egyptian secrets of the ankh, chariot of the gods and so much more!
Decoding Occult #Symbolism & etymology of enlightenment, deception, control, anatomy and physiology, physics and science of nature, origins of language, norse volva symbolism, female magic #mythology, snake magic, snake oil, egyptian secrets of the ankh, chariot of the gods and so much more!
Symbols of power is BACK! BRAND NEW never before seen discoveries! the real Chariot of the gods explained, Throne of god, how to train your dragon, true secrets of the trident & aquaman, new ascension perspectives, The Ultimate esoteric science of divinity, spirituality and the metaphysics of biology, mythology, language within our own supreme anatomy. Learn the divine language of symbolism and cosmology.
Chariot of the gods explained! Throne of god, how to train your dragon, The Ultimate esoteric science of divinity, spirituality and the metaphysics of biology, mythology, language within our own supreme anatomy! Learn the divine language of symbolism and cosmology.
The Ultimate esoteric science of divinity, spirituality and the metaphysics of biology, mythology, language within our own supreme anatomy!
Office and Orifice both stem from the root of Factitious. perhaps NOW you KNOW WHY he "did not have sexual relations with that woman!"
it’s clearly self evident by the observable facts, & as we have explored in the entire Symbols of Power film series, the countless principles of universal physics in esoterica of ancient traditions reveals an adept intrinsic knowledge of the nature of reality passed down over aeons.
The ENTIRE ULTIMATE HISTORY & Truth about the sacred Holydays, etymology of language, factual symbolism of nature, & Religious Rites.
The real crisis at hand. Klaus schwab World Economic Forum Great Reset, 4th industrial revolution, 5G biometric medical data surveillance grid, internet of things, internet of people, social credit system, build back better, yuval, joe biden, justin trudeau, emannuel macron, merkel, boris johnson, and the transhuman dystopia.
#LiftingTheVeil #Greatreset #worldEconomicForum
The longest lived and healthiest populations on earth are proportionally the ones who EAT THE MOST STARCH (legumes, whole grains, potatoes, yams, corn, carrot, bananas, breadfruit, jackfruit, durian etc)! 🍠🥔🍞🌽🥕🍌
These are the very foods that sustained a growing population and gave rise to civilizations over MILLIONS of years that we've been cultivating them. yes, MILLIONS.
The word encompasses both woman, which literally etymologically means “MAN WITH A WOMB” 🤰🏼as well as from the Proto Indo European root MEN- which means “MIND, to THINK” the root of MENTIS, MENSIS “MENSTRUATION” sanskrit MANAS, the same root for “SPIRIT, MIND”
AGAPE means WIDE OPEN, as in A GAPE, a WIDE GAP, as to be WIDE OPEN is also essentially UNCONDITIONAL, as in "her heart wide open, arms wide open, legs wide open," basically meaning indiscriminately accepting of all who enter, INTO THE GREAT WIDE OPEN!
Documentary exposing the masonic creation, influence and history of the flat earth movement, where it came from and what its purpose is, even with the power of today's technology. from the channel @I8UB4UCY #FlatEarth #LiftingTheVeil #Documentary
Is reality a fabrication or manifestation of some higher purpose or intelligence, whether artificial or organic?
"The Hivemind Invasion of Civilization" is a compendium of esoteric mystery sciences, an invaluable, timeless resource, building a progressive tapestry of revelation upon revelation, LOADED with truly mind-blowing graphics, visuals, & stunning images, deep Universal Secrets, advanced occult symbolism, rich philosophical & existential motifs utilized in Hollywood & pop culture, language, mythology, spiritual mysticism & fundamental laws of nature, astrotheology & the constructs of masonic civilization for individual & collective mastery, as well as control, coercion, confinement & enslavement, but leading us ultimately to sovereignty & liberation from the artifices of the manipulation of reality itself & most importantly, our perception of it!
A master work, a sync of Grand Proportions, the Hivemind Invasion of Civilization understands & fully Illustrates in vibrant, graphic detail the way reality really works, & gives the reader the competence to see from a coherent sense of understanding the machinations of society & the way we live within it, who we are, what we are here for, and why.
Etymology & sacred symbolism of the word cunt, archetypal goddess & queen mythology, ancient occult history & language secrets of mystical anatomy & kundalini sexuality.
Esoteric symbolism and science of kundalini rising, spiritual ascension and metaphysical science of physiology, anatomy and sexuality.
This presentation dives DEEP into human #physiology and its correspondence to #esoteric #symbols and #archetypes, as well as sacred sexuality, the power of the orgasm, and an ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL CONCEPT i call "As Above: So Below the Belt". THIS WILL COMPLETELY BLOW YOUR MIND!
Male DNA Microchimerism in women. Psychic bonding, genetic imprinting, sexual energy, auric fields, power of the orgasm, Health & healing & third eye, sight beyond sight