Ultimate Guide to Evolving Lifestyle, Health, Fitness & Human Potential

  • INCREDIBLE Science of Hot & Cold Therapy! Hydrotherapy, Hyper & Hypothermia Effects of Biohacking

    This will be part of an important video coaching series that I plan to continue on the significance of the great #lymphatic system in health, nutrition, lifestyle, fitness and so much more!

    See the video presentation and article on the science of how to use this POWERFUL and simple practice in your daily routine!

    Hydrotherapy , also known as hydropathy is one of the most ancient therapeutic healing practices known to man. Even other species such as the Japanese Macaque regularly partake in the benefits and pleasures of hydropathy as they soak in the hot springs while also enduring the extreme winter weather. "Hydrotherapy involves the use of water for overall health maintenance, detoxification and treatment of disease . The term encompasses a broad range of approaches and therapeutic methods that take advantage of the physical properties of water, such as temperature and pressure, for therapeutic purposes, to stimulate blood circulation and treat the symptoms of certain diseases and especially for daily routine maintenance.

    The benefits of hydrotherapy include: 

    • dramatically increasing the elimination of waste, thus assisting detoxification

    • loosening tense, tight muscles and encouraging relaxation

    • increasing the metabolic rate and digestion activity

    • hydrating the cells, improving skin and muscle tone

    • boosting the immune system, allowing it to function more efficiently

    • improving the function of the internal organs by stimulating their blood supply"

      Contraindications: If you have severe conditions, make sure to consult with your physician beforehand.

lifting the veil cullen smith hydrotherapy hydropathy hyperthermia hypothermia hormesis hormetic therapy hot & cold showers wim hof
  • The Truth About Alcohol - Part 1: Etymology & Symbolism

Examine the esoteric aspects, etymology /origins and health effects of Alcohol, the worlds most MALEFIC drug and it's abuse, including the word's roots in "Al Kuhul, to Al-Gawl" a flesh consuming spirit said to be the origin of the modern word Ghoul, as in Ra's Al Ghul who is the fictional yet literary supervillain of the DC comics universe, who is also found represented by the fixed star in astronomy known as Algol - the Demon's head, the most MALEFIC presence to have influence in one's astrological chart, and gives us our modern ALGOrithms.


  • The ENTIRE Truth About "The Vegan Agenda..."

    "I’m simply here to show you what is really going on every second of every day all around the world behind closed doors. To present evidence—for your consideration—that things are not at all as they appear.

    Undoing a life-long belief is no easy task. But in order to make informed decisions, to look ourselves in the mirror and ask if we are truly living the values we purport to have, we must know the truth. We must educate ourselves about what is really going on, not rely on what we’ve been taught. We must make decisions based on facts, not fantasy."

    - Emily Barwick

vegan veganism lifting the veil cullen smith nutrition nwo diet health science sustainability